Hampton, Va.

 A sunny day in May had me driving John to this nice town in Virginia.  The first two hours after arriving, however-was spent trying to unlock the door and retrieve the keys!

We spent three days getting John settled in to his new bunk house.  I was assured he was going to be well taken care of. The fair was nice, the weather beautiful, and the town friendly.  We got to spend a little bit of time together as a family, thanks to the generous boss who allowed us the rest of the first night together.

Hampton was a very nice town, and we enjoyed our stay there, though it was brief.

The hardest part was the morning I drove away, back to Florida. Rozeanna cried for a good part of the way.   I fell asleep and nearly smacked into a mini van on the way home, but GOD and the Angels were watching over me, and the accident didn't happen. I swerved off into a rest area and went to sleep.