Memphis, TN

  Ah, Memphis. The home of the King of Rock n Roll.  Regrettably we did not get to see Graceland, but we did get to see the grace of its people.  There was a wonderful open air market at this fair, and the people there were very generous to me and my children.  So many wonderful events happened here: A prayer over a bottle of water- our last-produced a whole case on the back of a gentleman who walked a few miles up, and then back, with the case.   

  Other things happened too.  We got our bunkhouse here the first night we arrived.  It was wonderful.  I never tought a 10 foot long, by 10 foot high by 6 foot wide box with ac and a door would look so good.  But the kids and I made it work. We fell into a routine here, and it was our saving grace, to say the least.

  There were negative things, but why go into them?  We had a lot of fun at this fair.  Roze got to ride whatever she wanted, really, and Hunter got to ride a few things too with me. He was mostly asleep, which was good.  We ended with a few rides and a hug from daddy, and I went back to wash up, PJs and get the kids to sleep. Most the time i spent writing in my diary and reading the bible on the steps, waiting for John to 'come home', with dinner ready.  We also took a quick trip to see the Mississippi, marking that point as the farthest west at least I had ever been.